Best Solar Feed-In Tariff ACT 2024

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Key Highlights

Choosing the right feed-in tariff (FiT) can significantly impact the financial returns from your solar investment. As a solar consumer, it’s crucial to compare your options to find a plan tailored to your usage profile. With varying rates and benefits across different electricity retailers, making an informed decision requires thorough research. In this article, we'll cover everything you need to know about solar FiT rates and solar plans, including the top solar FiT rates, the best solar plans currently offered, how to choose a solar plan, and more.

  • A high solar FiT rate doesn’t always mean you get the best value. If you’re a low exporter still purchasing a large amount of energy from the electricity grid, you may not get the full benefits you’d typically expect from a high rate.
  • Origin Energy, ActewAGL, and EnergyAustralia are some of the top solar FiT providers in the ACT for 2024.
  • When choosing a solar plan, it’s important to consider factors such as energy rates, system eligibility (and size limits), and potential rebates for which you may be eligible.
  • If you’re in the market for a new solar plan or want a higher solar FiT, contact Electricity Monster. Our solar experts can do a bill-to-bill comparison and help you choose a plan that’s right for you. We’ll also complete a serviceability check on your property to determine the feed-in tariffs available in your area.

Best Solar Feed-in Tariffs ACT 2024

The table below lists the highest solar feed-in tariff rates in ACT, from highest to lowest. If you're looking to compare electricity plans or need a solution to lower your high power bills, call us today. We provide a variety of solar solutions tailored to your needs and budget.

RetailerMinimum FIT (c/kWh)Maximum FIT (c/kWh)
Energy Australia7.6012.00
Origin Energy9.0012.00
Energy Locals7.007.00
Red Energy5.005.00

Top 10 Solar Plans in the Australian Capital Territory

Canberra and other surrounding cities in the ACT are home to several competitive electricity retailers, each offering unique rates, plans, and price structures. The table below lists some of the best solar plans currently available on the market.

RetailerMaximum FiT (c/kWh)Price/year (Est.)
ActewAGL (Simple Saver)12.00$1921
Energy Australia (Solar Max)12.00$2415
Origin Energy (Solar Boost)12.00$2432
Energy Locals (Online Member)7.00$2100
CovaU (Basics)5.50$2418
Red Energy (Living Energy Saver)5.00$1992

*Calculated based on usage of 6100kWh/year for a residential customer on a single rate tariff in the Evoenergy network. The DMO reference price is: $2,432 / year. Click here to view plan energy fact sheets.

‘Big 3’ Solar Feed-In Tariffs in the Australian Capital Territory

In the table below, you’ll find the current solar feed-in tariffs for the ‘Big 3’ energy retailers: Origin Energy and Energy Australia (AGL currently does not service ACT).

Retailer Minimum FIT (c/kWh) Maximum FIT (c/kWh)
Origin Energy
Origin Energy
9.00 12.00
Energy Australia
Energy Australia
7.60 12.00

How Do I Choose the Right Solar Plan For Me?

When comparing solar plans, many factors need to be considered to get the best value. First, it’s important to understand your household’s energy usage. Analyse your power bills to determine your average consumption and identify peak usage times. This information will help you choose a plan that aligns with your energy needs, ensuring you get the most value from your solar system. While the highest solar FiT might be appealing, they may have expensive electricity buy rates attached to them. If you are still purchasing a large amount of power from your energy provider, you need to be careful you don’t end up paying all of the savings your solar system has generated back to the energy provider.

Here are some important questions to consider when choosing a new solar plan:

  • What are my energy usage patterns?
  • What is my budget?
  • What is the feed-in tariff (FiT) rate offered by the plan?
  • What are the overall electricity rates and charges?
  • What is the contract length and terms?
  • Are there limits on the amount of solar energy I can export?
  • What is the reputation and reliability of the energy providers you are interested in?

If you’re serious about a new solar plan that will maximise the return on investment of your solar system, the quickest and easiest way to achieve this is to talk to an energy broker. They have the tools to run a serviceability check on your property to determine what tariff you are on and what rates electricity retailers will provide. They can also analyse your power bill, pull your energy usage data and populate it into a calculator that will automatically calculate the cost-benefit of each plan. In turn, this will help you find a plan that will maximise your return on investment. On top of this, they can provide you with a breakdown of the contract terms and let you know how long the plan's benefits will last and when you should review your plan again.

At Electricity Monster, that is what we do – we are energy brokers. If you would like to talk to one of our energy brokers to help you find a plan that will help you maximise your return on investment, simply click the button below to book an appointment. The whole process is quick, easy, and, best of all, 100% free.

What is A Solar Feed-In Tariff?

Residential or business solar owners with an accredited solar system installed may be eligible for a solar feed-in tariff (FiT), which is a payment for excess energy exported to the grid. 

Solar FiTs– in conjunction with the savings from generating your own power – can potentially lower your power bill and help you achieve a bigger return on your investment.

How Do Solar Feed-in Tariffs in ACT Work?

A solar feed-in tariff is a financial payment for solar owners who export excess energy from their solar photovoltaic (PV) system and feed it into the energy grid. You can think of a FiT as a reward for producing more electricity than your household consumes. The rate you receive can vary based on your location, the excess electricity you generate, and the specific plan offered by your energy retailer, making it vital to compare different rates to maximise your savings.

Are There Solar System Size Limits?

In Australia, there are guidelines that regulate the maximum size of your rooftop solar system. These guidelines vary depending on your network, where your home is located, and whether your home is a single-phase or three-phase connected property. 

Each state or territory has separate regulations and guidelines set by the local distribution network operators. Here's an overview of solar PV system size limits in ACT:

NetworkSystem Size Limits
EVO EnergySingle phase: Up to 15kW inverter capacity. Solar export is limited to 5kW. 3-phase: Up to 30kW inverter capacity. Solar export is limited to 15kW. Solar systems can exceed 30kW on 3-phase connections with an LV application. This comes with additional costs.

Minimum Feed-In Tariff in ACT

A minimum feed-in tariff is a minimum rate electricity retailers must offer their solar customers. The Essential Services Commission calculates this by forecasting the wholesale electricity prices for the next calendar year.

As of 2024, ACT’s EVO network does not have a mandatory minimum feed-in tariff. Electricity retailers voluntarily set their own rates, so consumers need to shop around for the best deal.

Can I Upgrade My Solar System?

Yes, you can upgrade your existing solar system as long as the upgrades meet the standards of your network and energy providers. Additionally, upgrading can offer long-term benefits, including improved energy efficiency and performance, future readiness for energy-demanding appliances and EV vehicles, and greater cost savings. 

First, you must assess whether your current solar system meets your energy needs. If you're using more electricity than your system generates or want to increase your savings, an upgrade might be necessary. An upgrade can involve installing more solar panels, upgrading to a larger inverter, or integrating battery storage to store excess energy for later use. 

If your current solar inverter is not being used to its full capacity, you may be able to add more solar panels up to the inverter's limit. Before you do this, you should confirm that the new panels are compatible with the existing ones to reduce the risk of performance issues​. Also, consider whether your roof has sufficient space for additional panels.

It’s no secret that upgrading your solar system will require an upfront investment. While future savings can offset this, it’s important to budget for the initial costs and consider financing options if necessary.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are the Financial Benefits of a High Solar Feed-in Tariff?

Do Solar Feed-in Tariff Rates Change Over Time?

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This publication reviews solar feed-in tariff rates and electricity plans in ACT that are accurate as of 02/07/2024.

Important Points to note are:

  • The plans displayed have been taken from the energy fact sheets published on the retailer's website. We do not guarantee that this information is correct or that it applies to every household in Australia.
  • Comparisons have been made on the peak rates in single rate plans from retailers, plus their daily electricity supply charges.
  • The Citipower network has been used to compare electricity plans, and the Australian Gas network has been used to compare gas plans in Victoria.
  • The Ausgrid network has been used to compare electricity plans, and the Jemena gas network has been used to compare gas plans in NSW.
  • The SA Power Networks network has been used to compare electricity plans, and the Australian Gas network has been used to compare gas plans in Victoria.
  • The Energex network has been used to compare electricity plans, and the Australian Gas network has been used to compare gas plans in QLD.
  • The Evoenergy network has been used to compare electricity plans, and the Jemena gas network has been used to compare gas plans in the ACT.
  • The ACTO network has been used to compare gas plans in WA.
  • The reference price/VDO/GAS comparison will differ based on tariff type and location (distribution area). Your actual energy bill may be significantly different from these estimates if your usage differs from the average amounts used in this calculation.
  • The information in this blog cannot substitute for legal advice. No financial decisions should be made based on information from this blog.
  • The average electricity price in Victoria is drawn from the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC), Residential Electricity Price Trends 2021, Final report, 25 November 2021. This figure reflects the default energy usage of a 2 person household.
  • All dollar figures include GST.
  • The plans displayed may be different than those advertised.
  • The plans offered on this page may not be available in our call center.
  • 'Get Best Offer’ is indicative of the best offer available in our database from our partners 
  • ‘Get More Info’ does not mean we will sign you up for the plan listed. Electricity Monster will provide offers in our database. We do not claim to be affiliated with the retailer.
  • When you click 'Sign Up Now' you agree to be contacted by our energy experts. Plans with said button are affiliated with our partnered retailers only.
  • Electricity plans are now compared to a regulated price called the Victorian Default Offer (VDO). This makes it easier to compare energy plans across the market. The VDO comparison and annual estimate is calculated based on an average usage customer.
  • When calculating our rates we include in the price/year estimate the GST (unless otherwise stated), any advertised non-conditional discounts (e.g. guaranteed discount), and any one-off credits.
  • What's not included in the price/year estimate are conditional discounts, green energy charges, any concessions or rebates which may apply to you, solar feed-in tariff credits that your solar system could generate.
  • The VDO comparison will differ based on tariff type and location (distribution area). Your actual energy bill may be significantly different to these estimates if your usage differs from the average amounts used in this calculation.